Horse - NFR


Adopt Me (adoptme)

ultra rare

Horse - NFR - ultra rare Adopt Me item

Horse - NFR is a highly valuable and loved pet in Adopt Me, known for its versatility and exquisite neon effects. As an NFR pet, which stands for Neon Fly Ride, it offers three major capabilities that make it highly sought after: it can be ridden, flown, and glows in beautiful neon colors. The Horse - NFR is a solid companion in the game, providing a boost to both aesthetic appeal and in-game interactions. Its general availability in the game is rare due to its combination of features, positioning it as a supporting or center stage pet in many players' collections. Plus, the pet's neon effect makes it easily recognizable during interactions with other players.

The **Horse - NFR** was introduced during the boost of premium pets in *Adopt Me*. This pet gets its inspiration from the real-life majestic horse species. Horses have been available in Adopt Me, but the Neon Fly Ride (NFR) version takes the pet to a whole new level of complexity and rarity due to the effort and resources required to combine four identical horses into a single Neon pet. Through various updates, Adopt Me has continued to give premium status to similar animals. When the Horse was added as an NFR version, it sparked heavy interest due to its useful feature set—flaming neon effects, flying capability, and ridability.

You need to first obtain a normal Horse through either purchasing it from the in-game shop or by trading with other players. Once you have four identical Horses, you must raise them to full maturity, after which they can be merged in the Neon Cave to produce the **Horse - NFR**. Becoming flyable and rideable requires using two potions: the Fly Potion and Ride Potion, which can also be found via purchase within the game or through player trades.


The **Horse - NFR** is considered *somewhat uncommon* yet highly valuable due to its combination of specialties. While the basic Horse is more easily acquired, transforming it into its Neon Fly Ride form takes significant dedication, involving acquiring and aging four horses for the merge. Compared to other pets with highly limited availability, the Horse - NFR can be seen as more of a long-term investment for players willing to put in the efforts to create a Neon pet. Its dual functionality of both flyable and rideable factors add substantial desirability. These features separate it from simply owning a Horse and make it much more absorbing to long-term fans of the game.

The base version of the Horse can be bought at nearly any time through the in-game shop from Roblox Bucks (or via trading). However, turning it into the **Horse - NFR** requires a more tiresome process—raising multiple horses to full age and then combining them. While the base Horse is easy to acquire, the NFR version’s availability depends largely on the player's dedication and resources within the game, making it much more rare compared to regular Horses. It does not appear to be tied to any special events or seasonal patterns at this time.

The **Horse - NFR** stands out visually due to its bright, glowing neon colors, which illuminate in key areas of its body, like the mane and tail. Its neon parts are typically a striking bright blue, which contrasts against the darker base tones, making it an impressive showpiece when displayed next to other pets. Also, adding the ability to fly or ride enhances the pet's majestic charm. Whether soaring above the player’s environment or galloping beside, the NFR Horse maintains a dignified and elegant appearance.

No known variations

Price: $6.42 (Discounted from $2.88)

Stock: 0

Horse - NFR is a highly valuable and loved pet in Adopt Me, known for its versatility and exquisite neon effects. As an NFR pet, which stands for Neon Fly Ride, it offers three major capabilities that make it highly sought after: it can be ridden, flown, and glows in beautiful neon colors. The Horse - NFR is a solid companion in the game, providing a boost to both aesthetic appeal and in-game interactions. Its general availability in the game is rare due to its combination of features, positioning it as a supporting or center stage pet in many players' collections. Plus, the pet's neon effect makes it easily recognizable during interactions with other players.

Out of Stock

Tags: items

Price: $6.42

Condition: New

Brand: BloxCart

Reviews: 6 (Average Rating: 4)

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get a Horse - NFR in Adopt Me?

To get the **Horse - NFR**, you first need to own four base Horses, all raised to full growth. Afterward, you merge them in the Neon Cave to create an NFR version. It also requires Fly and Ride potions for full functionality.

What does NFR stand for in Adopt Me?

NFR stands for *Neon Fly Ride*. These pets can glow with neon colors and also be ridden or flown using the Fly and Ride potions available within the game.

Can I still trade for a Horse - NFR?

Yes, the **Horse - NFR** is frequently traded among players. If you don't want to create one yourself, you can often find it available through in-game trade offers.

Is the Horse - NFR a rare pet?

The **Horse - NFR** is considered moderately rare. Base horses are relatively easy to acquire, but combining four into a Neon and then making it rideable and flyable takes effort, making it more unique.

What makes the Horse - NFR special?

The Horse - NFR is special because it combines the beauty of a neon glow with a flyable and rideable feature, giving it a visual and functional edge in Adopt Me.

How do I get a Horse - NFR in Adopt Me?

To get the **Horse - NFR**, you first need to own four base Horses, all raised to full growth. Afterward, you merge them in the Neon Cave to create an NFR version. It also requires Fly and Ride potions for full functionality.

What does NFR stand for in Adopt Me?

NFR stands for *Neon Fly Ride*. These pets can glow with neon colors and also be ridden or flown using the Fly and Ride potions available within the game.

Can I still trade for a Horse - NFR?

Yes, the **Horse - NFR** is frequently traded among players. If you don't want to create one yourself, you can often find it available through in-game trade offers.

Is the Horse - NFR a rare pet?

The **Horse - NFR** is considered moderately rare. Base horses are relatively easy to acquire, but combining four into a Neon and then making it rideable and flyable takes effort, making it more unique.

What makes the Horse - NFR special?

The Horse - NFR is special because it combines the beauty of a neon glow with a flyable and rideable feature, giving it a visual and functional edge in Adopt Me.